Osteoporosis refers to the disease affecting the bone. Due to the condition, bones become porous. So, it looks like a honeycomb under the microscope. The disease causes large holes and spaces to develop in the bone compared to a healthy-looking bone. This can make the bones weak and make the affected person feel susceptible to breaking the bones from a fall. In severe cases, bones can break with simple actions like minor bumps or sneezing. It is because bones lose the mass or density and result in abnormal tissue structure. With low bone density, the risk of bones breaking increases. People above 50 years need to undergo a bone density test if they suffer from a broken bone in any part of their body. A positive bone density means you suffer from osteoporosis.
At Medisky, you can connect with the best orthopedic doctors and surgeons who can work with you to develop a good treatment plan meeting your medical needs. The doctor can prescribe medications and suggest lifestyle changes to improve bone density. With the guidelines suggested by the doctor, you can easily strengthen and protect the bones. Since you have no permanent cure for the condition, the doctor suggests ideal treatment options that will slow down the breaking of bones and spur bone growth.
With around multiple disciplines under one roof, our specialists collaborate to ensure a clinically sound plan along with matching execution for a quick recovery.
Each clinical team comprises of members from various disciplines who collaborate and have close symbiotic relationships to ensure world-class service delivery.