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Oncoplastic reconstruction

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Oncoplastic reconstruction

Oncoplastic surgery is cyst extraction (lumpectomy) ensued shortly by breast reconstruction. It's the combination of plastic surgery procedures into breast cancer surgery to protect both qualities of life and aesthetics, without jeopardizing control of the disease. It involves three surgical activities: lumpectomy ie tumour removal, reconstruction of the breast, and forming asymmetry with the other breast.

However with Oncoplastic reconstruction the breasts are reconstructed in a symmetrical way. The breasts will be well-formed shortly after the surgery.

Planning starts well in advance, with a conference with you, your cancer surgeon, and your plastic surgeon. Because you and the surgical team have made most choices before the surgery, the plastic surgeon knows precisely what will be done and is equipped to progress

The method may be conducted on an outpatient basis, or possibly with just a single-night clinic stay. Your breasts will be painful for a few days but will adjust soon. If required, you'll be given a medicine for pain medication. Healing time is normally around 1 and half months, but multiple patients can turn to work in half that time.

Contact Us For Oncoplastic reconstruction

With around multiple disciplines under one roof, our specialists collaborate to ensure a clinically sound plan along with matching execution for a quick recovery.

Each clinical team comprises of members from various disciplines who collaborate and have close symbiotic relationships to ensure world-class service delivery.