Nose is one of the prominent organs in your face that can draw attention of other. It defines your look. Do you know that nose is a complex structure? It is composed of bone, septum, muscular subcutaneous tissue, cartilage, inner lining, and skin. When you suffer from skin cancer affecting the nose, the surgery (referred to as Mohs surgery) to eliminate cancerous cells can leave a defect behind. To cover this large wound, you need to undergo reconstructive surgery. During the surgery, the expert cosmetic surgeon can make alteration without compromising on the aesthetic details of the nose. So, you can go out without hiding your nose using apparel or clothing.
Reconstruction of nose is not a simple procedure. The extreme 3-D structure of nose causes even slight modification to have drastic consequences. So, only an expert and experienced surgeon can perform the reconstruction of a defective nose. At Medisky, a team of highly skilled cosmetic surgeon can complete the reconstruction surgery taking into the different nuances of the nose. The surgeon can ensure a functional and aesthetic reconstruction that will overcome the defects. The skilled surgeon uses appropriate algorithms for reconstruction suiting the specific needs of the patients. The operative decision also includes the later effects of scar healing to make sure you get the best results.
With around multiple disciplines under one roof, our specialists collaborate to ensure a clinically sound plan along with matching execution for a quick recovery.
Each clinical team comprises of members from various disciplines who collaborate and have close symbiotic relationships to ensure world-class service delivery.