When you look yourself in the mirror, do you see dark patches on the skin? The brown blotches may cover your nose, chin, cheek, upper lip, or forehead. If yes, then it points to a skin condition referred to as melasma. This condition is also commonly known as the mask of pregnancy. It is because many women develop skin problems during their pregnancy. In such cases, hormonal fluctuation can trigger the problem. It does not mean the problem will not affect others. The other common causes of the condition are
Apart from the above-mentioned reasons, sun exposure can also trigger the condition. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can affect the cells that control skin pigmentation. Melasma is not a painful condition nor does it trigger health issues. But, it can cause emotional distress in people. The spots can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. The dark patches make them feel unattractive.
Never worry as you have treatment options to get rid of melasma. But, you need to get assistance from our dermatologist who can determine the actual cause of the condition. Our qualified professional can rule out other skin conditions and detect the cause. Treating melasma becomes difficult when uncovering the underlying cause becomes difficult. Get assistance from the our experts to detect and manage the skin problem.
With around multiple disciplines under one roof, our specialists collaborate to ensure a clinically sound plan along with matching execution for a quick recovery.
Each clinical team comprises of members from various disciplines who collaborate and have close symbiotic relationships to ensure world-class service delivery.