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Dark circle treatment

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Dark circle treatment

The eye area is very delicate. This area shows signs of aging early. Therefore it is of elemental importance that the under-eye area needs to be treated. One very common under eyes problem is the Dark circle. Many times too much exposure to the sun might also cause the area to be dark. This happens because of UV rays.

Here’s some Dark circle treatment:

  • Laser therapy- This targets the dark pigmentation and lightens the darkened area. This procedure boosts collagen formation in that area and thus works on the skin condition.
  • Chemical peels- This is a process where light chemical peeling is done to get rid of the dark under the eyes. Here Retinoic acid, hydroquinone, and glycolic acid are used for the treatment.
  • Blepharoplasty- This is a treatment procedure where surgery is required and as a result, the shadow cast by the eyelid is treated on and the dark eyes thus become a lot lighter. In this treatment, fat is removed from the lower eyelid.
  • Fillers- Dermal fillers that contain hyaluronic acid are injected into the under-eye tissue. This helps the skin under the eyes to boost and be plump and thus the dark shrink skin gradually disappears.

We can offer you dark circle treatment, so get in touch with us!

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